Starting from 215900! Xiaomi SU7 officially released, Lei Jun: Getting started is someone else's top configuration!


The first public display of the Xiaomi SU7 was already three months ago.

During this period, the Lei Jun and its first model quickly became a hot topic in the automotive industry. From design concepts to technical specifications, every detail of the Xiaomi SU7 is carefully analyzed and discussed. Through continuous in-depth analysis, exploration, evaluation, and prediction by the media and analysts, "Lei Jun should stop, the opponent is too strong" has become a common view. Regarding Lei Jun's strategic choice, opinions on "Lei General" or "Lightning Protection" vary. Prices are constantly changing, while Xiaomi is always clarifying rumors.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Live screenshot of Xiaomi SU7 launch event

However, just last night, Xiaomi SU7 finally held its first launch, and the official selling price was also announced:

The price of Xiaomi SU7 Standard Edition is 215900 yuan

The price of Xiaomi SU7 Pro is 245900 yuan

The price of the Xiaomi SU7 Max version is 299900 yuan

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of Xiaomi SU7 launch event

In Lei Jun's view, this is a crazy price, buying is making a profit.

According to the data from Sanyan, the live broadcast of the press conference, which lasted for 2 hours and 36 minutes, attracted more than 42.13 million viewers, with an average online number of 499400 and a peak popularity of 4.34 million. Lei Jun's Tiktok account quickly increased its popularity by 695000, which was enough to show the craziness of "Rice noodles".

Xiaomi SU7

Xiaomi SU7

Lei Jun gambles everything for making cars

It has been three years since Lei Jun first announced Xiaomi's plan to enter the automotive manufacturing industry in 2021. Many loyal fans of Xiaomi may still remember that moment when Lei Jun announced in an extremely resolute tone, "I am willing to support the Xiaomi car project with all the achievements and reputation of my life!" This shows his firm belief in Xiaomi's car manufacturing. To this day, Xiaomi Motors has become a reality, and those who once doubted Xiaomi's determination, ability, and courage in car manufacturing have now witnessed its achievements. Even though Xiaomi joined the new energy vehicle field slightly later, it still successfully caught up with the development of the industry.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of network materials

On December 28, 2023, Xiaomi Motors held its first technical press conference. Lei Jun stated that this is not only Xiaomi's first public display, but also a major exhibition accumulated by Xiaomi in the field of automotive technology in its 13 years of establishment. After the press conference, Lei Jun frequently promoted Xiaomi Motors on various public platforms, and his top post on Weibo was about the car press conference. When asked about the price, Lei Jun replied, "The performance of Xiaomi cars is comparable to that of two to three million luxury cars of traditional fuel cars. Prices of 99000 yuan, 149000 yuan, or even 199000 yuan are not considered at all. The final pricing may be too high, and we will announce it at Xiaomi's official product launch event."

On February 29, 2024, the official selling price of Xiaomi Motors was disclosed, with an average price of about 200000 yuan. This pricing strategy sparked extensive discussion at Lei Jun's press conference, where he excitedly stated that models with the same configuration on the market are generally priced at over 400000 yuan. However, in subsequent interviews, Lei Jun also stated that the actual cost far exceeded expectations, believing that the price of 199000 yuan was almost a joke.

Lei Jun once shared a central media video and mentioned that "Xiaomi's goal is to become one of the top five global car manufacturers and contribute to the rise of China's automotive industry through 15 to 20 years of effort!" This reflects his long-term planning and ambitious vision for Xiaomi's future development.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of network materials

On December 28, 2023, Xiaomi Motors held its first technical press conference. Lei Jun stated that this is not only Xiaomi's first public display, but also a major exhibition accumulated by Xiaomi in the field of automotive technology in its 13 years of establishment. After the press conference, Lei Jun frequently promoted Xiaomi Motors on various public platforms, and his top post on Weibo was about the car press conference. When asked about the price, Lei Jun replied, "The performance of Xiaomi cars is comparable to that of two to three million luxury cars of traditional fuel cars. Prices of 99000 yuan, 149000 yuan, or even 199000 yuan are not considered at all. The final pricing may be too high, and we will announce it at Xiaomi's official product launch event."

On February 29, 2024, the official selling price of Xiaomi Motors was disclosed, with an average price of about 200000 yuan. This pricing strategy sparked extensive discussion at Lei Jun's press conference, where he excitedly stated that models with the same configuration on the market are generally priced at over 400000 yuan. However, in subsequent interviews, Lei Jun also stated that the actual cost far exceeded expectations, believing that the price of 199000 yuan was almost a joke.

Lei Jun once shared a central media video and mentioned that "Xiaomi's goal is to become one of the top five global car manufacturers and contribute to the rise of China's automotive industry through 15 to 20 years of effort!" This reflects his long-term planning and ambitious vision for Xiaomi's future development.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of Lei Jun's Weibo account

Xiaomi SU7

The pricing that everyone is eagerly anticipating

The fact that the price of the Xiaomi SU7 was only publicly announced three months after its debut reflects the difficult decision faced by Lei Jun. Xiaomi and Lei Jun seem to be trying to replicate the myth they created in the mobile phone industry 10 years ago, hoping to ignite the market through a stunning price announcement and once again win widespread praise from consumers with their high cost-effectiveness. But the current market environment is vastly different from what it used to be: 10 years ago, Xiaomi faced a smartphone market full of opportunities, with its competitors mainly being weaker knockoff manufacturers. Nowadays, Xiaomi and Lei Jun are facing a highly competitive market that is close to saturation, with competitors including international giants, central enterprise giants, and powerful private enterprises such as BYD and Huawei.

Faced with such fierce competition, especially after other brands successively released new models and announced prices, Lei Jun felt unprecedented pressure. From high-end to low-end, every price announcement in the market has had a significant impact on Xiaomi, making Lei Jun and Xiaomi's decision-makers exceptionally cautious in their pricing strategies.

In the international market, the situation is not optimistic either. The policy adjustments and cancellations of some major markets and brands, such as changes in electric vehicle plans for Europe and Mercedes Benz, as well as Apple's cancellation of car manufacturing plans, have cast a shadow of uncertainty over Xiaomi's future. The turbulence and uncertainty in the global automotive industry have made Xiaomi's pricing strategy decisions more complex and difficult.

Nevertheless, Xiaomi finally successfully held the launch event of the SU7 on March 28th, which was a slow but steady step, demonstrating Xiaomi's determination and wisdom in facing many challenges. Various warm-up activities before the press conference, especially the live broadcast on platforms such as Tiktok, created a strong atmosphere for the release of SU7, attracted a large number of audience's attention, and showed that the Xiaomi brand still has strong attraction and market influence. The complexity of this strategy and decision-making is not only a test of Xiaomi and Lei Jun's challenges in new fields, but also a demonstration of their ability to adjust strategies and respond to market changes.

Xiaomi SU7

The trend of live streaming data for Xiaomi's official flagship store in the past 90 days, provided by Sanyancha

At the same time as the press conference, Xiaomi's official flagship store released a short video titled "Did you guess correctly? Starting from 215900!". According to the data from Sanyancha, the interaction volume of this video is significantly higher than the average level of the account in the past. Judging from 1061 likes, 499 comments, and 415 shares, it clearly attracted widespread attention and discussion. This high level of interaction shows that Xiaomi SU7 can arouse the strong interest and enthusiasm of Rice noodles.

Xiaomi SU7

Short video data analysis of Xiaomi's official flagship store SU7, provided by Sanyancha

Xiaomi SU7

Xiaomi's official flagship store SU7 short video review analysis, provided by Sanyancha

Xiaomi SU7

Does Xiaomi SU7 have a chance

As Lei Jun said, the essence of a good car still needs to return to the driving experience.

The Xiaomi SU7, with its dual motor all wheel drive system, has a maximum horsepower of 673PS and a peak torque of 838N · m, which is truly impressive performance parameters. This performance is no less impressive than sports cars with a 4.0-liter turbocharged V8 engine, demonstrating the strength of Xiaomi SU7 in electric vehicle technology.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of Xiaomi SU7 launch event

There are a total of 4 color schemes and 9 color schemes on the appearance, among which the sports car color scheme is Bay Blue and Lava Orange; Fashion color scheme: elegant gray, meteor blue, and glow purple; Luxury color scheme: olive green, Cambrian gray; Classic color scheme: Pearl white, Diamond black. It can be said that one achieves the ultimate in appearance.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of Xiaomi SU7 launch event

There are a total of 4 color schemes and 9 color schemes on the appearance, among which the sports car color scheme is Bay Blue and Lava Orange; Fashion color scheme: elegant gray, meteor blue, and glow purple; Luxury color scheme: olive green, Cambrian gray; Classic color scheme: Pearl white, Diamond black. It can be said that one achieves the ultimate in appearance.

Image source: Xiaomi SU7 car picturesXiaomi SU7

On the evening of March 28th, during the launch event of the SU7, Xiaomi's official Weibo account released two consecutive good news reports at 22:10 and 22:29 respectively.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Xiaomi Auto Weibo screenshot

Based on the standard version selling price of 215900 yuan, 50000 units of Xiaomi SU7 were pre ordered within 27 minutes of launch, with a total price of 10.795 billion yuan.

This achievement not only marked a resounding start to the market performance of SU7, but also significantly demonstrated the high expectations and recognition of the market for Xiaomi's entry into the automotive industry. This achievement is undoubtedly a strong signal for Xiaomi, indicating that their initial attempts in the field of new energy vehicles have received a positive response from the market.

If the Xiaomi SU7 can succeed in the market, it will open a door to a broader future for Xiaomi. It will not only accelerate the implementation of Lei Jun's envisioned "people car home" full ecological strategic layout, but also establish Xiaomi's position in the automotive field. The successful Xiaomi automotive business can not only bring new growth points to Xiaomi, but also further enhance brand image and consumer trust, and have a positive impact on the entire Xiaomi ecosystem.

Xiaomi SU7

Image source: Screenshot of network materials

However, competition in this field is exceptionally fierce, and the cost of failure will also be very high. If the Xiaomi SU7 fails to meet market expectations, consumer confidence in Xiaomi cars may significantly decrease, and in severe cases, it may also affect consumers' overall perception of the Xiaomi brand. Given Xiaomi's huge investment in the automotive project, such a failure may become a major challenge for Lei Jun and Xiaomi Group.For Xiaomi Motors, they can't afford to lose this battle.


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